It’s a minefield knowing what you need to do from an accounts and tax perspective when you first start a new business. And it can be daunting reaching out to an accountant for the first time - What if they make you feel stupid? Or charge you a fortune!

At Fluent, we break it down to make it as easy as possible for you to understand what you’re required to do from a tax and corporate legal perspective, as well as offering our expert advice to make sure you get off to the best start.

Simplifying Your Startup Journey with Expert Accounting and Tax Advice

Simplifying Your Startup Journey with Expert Accounting and Tax Advice

Comprehensive Support for New Businesses to Ensure a Strong Financial Start

Services we offer Startups 

You can check out more detail on our accounting services and strategic advice services  

Choosing the Right Business Structure

Tax Registrations

Salary Planning

Cashflow Management

Guidance on deciding between sole trader and limited company.

Assistance in registering your new business for relevant taxes.

Advice on how much salary to take from your limited company and its tax implications

Strategies for managing cash flow and saving for tax bills as a sole trader.

Invoicing and Payments

Efficient Bookkeeping

Pricing Strategies

Financial Projections & Business Plans

Tips on invoicing and collecting payments from customers.

Setting up your bookkeeping efficiently to save time on Xero.

Designing offerings and pricing strategies to maximise profitability.

Preparing financial projections and business plans for grants, loans, or investors.

Jess, Director, Studio B Homeware 

 I am in the early stages of starting my business and Paula has been a huge help to me. She always takes the time to answer my questions and explains things clearly. Paula takes a genuine interest in my business and its growth which I know I wouldn’t get elsewhere. I would highly recommend Paula to anyone who needs accounting assistance.

Contact us

  • We make sure you understand exactly how VAT applies to the specific goods and services you buy and sell, and how registering for VAT will impact your pricing and profitability.
  • We’ll talk you through your obligations in terms of filing VAT returns and issuing valid VAT invoices.
  • If you work with EU suppliers, we’ll make sure you are setup for Intra-EU VAT so the suppliers can remove the foreign EU VAT on the items you buy from them.
  • If you sell to EU countries we’ll ensure you know when you might have additional obligations such as VIES & OSS returns.
  • Most importantly, when filing your VAT return, we’ll make sure we claim as much VAT back as you’re entitled to (we work with a lot of online businesses, so if we spot a subscription that we know you can obtain a VAT receipt for, we’ll let you know!)

Contact us to learn more and get started with VAT registration.

You may not have reached out to an accountant yet if you’re a brand new business, or you may have been managing your accounts and taxes on your own to date but need assistance now that you’re in the realm of VAT.

When you need to register for VAT, we don’t just tick a box with Revenue and leave you to it.

Registering for VAT? 

Ready to simplify your startup journey?

Book a startup consultation

We offer 30minute Startup Consultations to answer all your burning questions about getting your business up and running from a financial & tax perspective.